Entomology Book

Entomology Book For JRF / M.S

1. The Insects: Structure And Function – RS Chapman

2. Insect Physiology and Biochemistry – JL Nation

3. Physiological Systems in Insects – Klowden

4. A Textbook of Integrated Pest Management – Dhaliwal and Arora

5. Integrated Pest Management: Principles and Applications – by Singh

6. Insecticides: Action and Metabolism – D. O’Brien

7. Insecticides in Agriculture and Environment – perry and perry

8. Handbook of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) – ICAR

9. Entomology and Pest Management – Larry Pedigo

10. Insect Anatomy and Physiology – NC Pant and Ghai

11. Applied Entomology (ICAR – JRF, SRF, ARS, SAUs Entrance Exams) – DS Reddy

12. Elements of Economic Entomology – Vasanth Raj Devid

13. A Textbook of Applied Entomology Volume, I, II – KP Shrivastava

14. Entomology at a Glance Vol 1st, 2nd – RC Saxena

15. Handbook of Entomology – TV Prasad

16. An Outline of Entomology – GS Dhaliwal