Brinjal shoot and fruit borer | Top 3 Management

Management of Brinjal shoot and fruit borer

You are a farmer and you want to earn lakhs of rupees by cultivating brinjal but are troubled by the Brinjal shoot and fruit borer on the field, then today you will always know in this article Brinjal shoot and fruit borer scientific name family order and  Also we will know how to manage it.

Brinjal shoot and fruit borer

Brinjal shoot and fruit borer is an insect of the order Lepidoptera. Which are found in tropical and sub-tropical parts of Australia and Asia.

 Brinjal shoot and fruit borer

Brinjal shoot and fruit borer
Common name Brinjal shoot and fruit borer
Scientific Name Leucinodes orbonalis
Order Lepidoptera
Family Pyralidae

Nature of damage of Brinjal shoot and fruit borer

Its caterpillar stage causes more damage to the plant, its caterpillar attacks the upper stem of the young plant and also attacks its fruit.

  • Damage is caused by the caterpillar which attacks the top shoots of young plants as well as fruits.
  • Lava bore into the suit and its internal tissues causing the attacked portion to droop and winter away.
  • The large holes usually seen on fruits are the exit holes of the caterpillar; the infested fruits become unfit for human consumption.
  • Damage to the fruit particularly in the autumn is very severe and the whole crop may be destroyed by the borers. a single caterpillar destroys 4 to 6 fruits.

The life cycle of Brinjal shoot and fruit borer

There are four developmental stages in the life cycle of Brinjal shoot and fruit borer. Egg, larva, pupa and adult.

The egg stage of the Brinjal shoot and fruit borer

they lay eggs, green leaves, stem flower beds, or fruit at this stage.

  • The female moth lays egg singly or in a hatched of 2- 4 on the underside of leaves on green stems flower Bud or the calyx of fruits.
  • The egg is creamy white in colour and elongated Each female generally lays more than 150 eggs.
  • The hatching period of its egg lasts for 3-6 days.

The larva stage of the Brinjal shoot and fruit borer

This is the second developmental stage of the Brinjal shoot and fruit borer, in this stage the larvae emerge from the egg. Which damages the shoots and fruits of plants.

  • The young caterpillar bore into lender shoot near the growing points into the flower buds or into the fruits.
  • The young caterpillar is creamy white in colour which becomes pale white with violet markings arranged in liners all over the body in a fully grown Larva.
  • The full mature caterpillar measures about 18 to 23 mm in length, the larval growth through five stages, and the larval period last for 7 to 11 days.

The pupa stage of the Brinjal shoot and fruit borer

This is the third developmental stage of the life cycle of the Brinjal shoot and fruit borer.

  • The full-grown caterpillar comes out of the fruit or shoot and pupal amongst fallen leaves in a boat-shaped silken cocoon.
  • The pupal period lasts from 72 to 11 days after which the moths emerge.

The adult stage of the Brinjal shoot and fruit borer 

  • is the last developmental stage. In this stage, the larvae take the form of moths. Let us know about some of the characteristics of the moth.
  • The moths are medium-sized insects with white colour but there are pale brown or black spots on the dorsum of the thorax and abdomen.
  • Its wings are wheel with a pinkish or blueish tinge and are ringed with small hair along the apical and anal margins.
  • The moth measures about 20 to 22mm across the wings; the forewings are ornamented with a number of black pale and light brown spots.
  • The total life cycle is completed in 25 to 39 days and there are five overlapping generations in a year. The caterpillar hibernates in winter and pupaid early in the spring.
  • Months appear in March and April to continue the next generation.

Top 3 Management of Brinjal shoot and fruit borer

  • adopting the methods given below, we can control Brinjal shoot and fruit borer.
  • Collect and destroy the dropping shoots and affected fruits that contain caterpillars inside.

Spray the crop with any one of the following insecticides

  • Endosulfan 0.07%
  • malathion 0.05% 
  • Carbaryl 0.15%
  • fenvalerate 0.03%


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